Gop, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll as Perry looms

Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll as Perry looms

Michele Bachmann captured the famed Iowa straw poll in Ames Saturday, reaching a high-profile benchmark in her meteoric rise to a top-tier presidential candidate.


Bachmann asked about Bible view on wifely 'submission'

At the Fox News Iowa debate last night traditional Christian Michele Bachman was hit with a question about the Biblical injunction for a wife ...


Texas Governor Perry to run for president

Texas Governor Perry to run for president

Texas Governor Rick Perry, a staunch conservative with a Washington outsider's resume, will seek the 2012 Republican nomination for president, his spokesman said on Thursday, adding a top contender to the party's field of hopefuls.


Rick Perry: Texas Governor To Announce 2012 Intentions Saturday

It's the million dollar question. Rumors have abounded for months that Texas Governor Rick Perry may jump in the race for president, which would drastically reshape the Republican field. But so far, he has been reticent on the topic. The answer may finally be revealed this weekend.


Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs and Ds

Rick Perry's College Transcript: A Lot Of Cs and Ds

As governor of Texas, Rick Perry has pursued a controversial agenda that would gut Texas' vaunted public university system in favor of something that more closely resembles a business.


GOP presidential hopefuls unhappy with debt-ceiling deal

GOP presidential hopefuls unhappy with debt-ceiling deal

Some of the Republicans who want to kick President Obama out of office next year are sounding off today with their opposition to a deal the White ...

Senh: Are republicans ever happy with anything that Barack Obama does, even if this deal supposedly favors them.


Niceness aside, Huntsman finds fault with rivals

A diplomat to the core, Jon Huntsman is well known as a likable guy, but recently he's found subtle ways to fault his rivals.


Public Sector Added to Texas Job Boom

As Texas Gov. Rick Perry ponders a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, Texans weighing his economic legacy are debating the role played by a long boom in government jobs—and the possible bust ahead.


Eyeing Obama, Mitt Romney brings jobs message to Ohio

Ohio just moved its presidential primary back from March until May. So what is Mitt Romney doing Wednesday in the Buckeye State?


Poll: Perry is Romney's strongest GOP challenger

Rick Perry hasn't even announced whether he'll run for the White House next year, but the Texas governor has shot up behind Mitt Romney in the latest Gallup Poll of GOP presidential contenders.


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