Coffee | featured news

The Starbucks Challenge

Starbucks Logo

Have you tasted a cup of Starbucks coffee from a Starbucks cafe lately? No, I mean really, really taste the coffee. Remove your brand loyalty lens and tell me that cup of Starbucks coffee doesn't taste like sugar water mixed with overly diluted coffee and a lot of dairy,or some other have-it-your-way blend of water, sugar and non-dairy dairy flavored with coffee essence. This stuff is giving coffee a bad name.


Germany's JAB to buy Douwe Egberts firm in $9.8 billion deal

German investor Joh A Benckiser (JAB) is to buy the owner of Douwe Egberts coffee in a 7.5-billion-euro ($9.8 billion) deal to create a global hot drinks empire aimed at taking on market leaders Nestle and Mondelez.


NYC soda size rule eyed from coffee shops to clubs

At barbecue joints, coffee counters and bottle-service nightclubs, a coming clampdown on big, sugary soft drinks is beginning to take shape on tables and menus in a city that thrives on eating and going out.


Dunkin' Donut Employee Goes All Dirty Harry on Would-Be Robber, Comes Up with Amazing Catchphrase on the Spot

Dunkin' Donuts

A robbery attempt at a Dunkin' Donuts in West Haven, Connecticut, over the weekend was quickly foiled when a rogue employee doused the perp with a cup of hot coffee. The clerk, identified only as Angelica, said a man who had rolled up to the drive-thru window after ordering coffee asked her to change a $100, which she declined to do.


Washington state baristas arrested for stripping at drive-thru

Grab-N-Go Baristas

Three baristas accused of giving customers peep shows along with their coffee have been arrested in Washington state, accused of operating an adult cabaret without a license from the drive-thru windows of two Grab-N-Go coffee shops, police said on Wednesday.


Coffee from an elephant's gut fills a $50 cup

Trumpeted as earthy in flavor and smooth on the palate, the exotic new brew is made from beans eaten by Thai elephants and plucked a day later from their dung. A gut reaction inside the elephant creates what its founder calls the coffee's unique taste.


Coffee may delay Alzheimer's onset

Dr. Sujatha Reddy joins CNN's Fredricka Whitfield to discuss how drinking more coffee can help delay Alzheimer's.


Samuel Glazer, a Creator of Mr. Coffee, Dies at 89

Mr. Glazer and his business partner gave the world Mr. Coffee, one of the first and best-selling automatic drip coffee makers in America.


Starbucks opening Evolution Fresh juice store


Starbucks Corp. is pushing beyond coffee with the opening of its first Evolution Fresh Inc. juice store, the company said Monday.


Tassimo coffee makers recalled over burn risk

Home-brewed coffee lovers, take note: More than a million popular coffee makers are being recalled after dozens of reports of the brewers spraying hot liquid, coffee grounds or tea leaves onto people.


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