Midterm Elections | featured news

Poll shows Republicans doing well in November as voting begins in three states

In what is being viewed as important straws in the political winds, three states hold key elections on Tuesday but the latest polling continues to show Republicans are in a strong position in this midterm election year.


Paul may hand Tea Party its biggest victory

Rand Paul is on the cusp of becoming a national celebrity – the dragon-slayer who defeated in a primary up-and-coming Trey Grayson, the 38-year-old Kentucky secretary of state and the anointed pick of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.


Tuesday primaries may be first expressions of voters' wrath

Tuesday primaries may be first expressions of voters' wrath

Veteran senators face heated races in Arkansas, Pennsylvania and Kentucky.

With anger all around, voters in three states will signal on Tuesday the depth of the country's anti-establishment mood, which threatens lawmakers in both parties and raises prospects for an even more polarized Congress after November.


Tea party battles racism claims

Ahead of primaries, loose network of conservatives tries to overcome perceptions of movement.


Poll says Sestak closing gap on Specter

Poll says Sestak closing gap on Specter

US Rep. Joe Sestak has cut deeply into Sen. Arlen Specter's once seemingly insurmountable lead in the polls, reducing the margin to less than double digits with about two weeks left before the May 18 primary election ...


McConnell endorses Grayson for US Senate

US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has jumped in with both feet into Kentucky's US Senate race, endorsing Secretary of State Trey Grayson in the May 18 primary.


GOP expands political playing field; Dems slipping

GOP expands political playing field; Dems slipping

Republicans are on offense in scores of House and Senate races as persistent economic woes and lukewarm support for President Barack Obama continue to weaken Democrats' hold on Congress....


Florida governor to announce independent Senate run

Florida Governor Charlie Crist, who is trailing rival Marco Rubio in the race for the Republican nomination for the Senate, will announce on Thursday he will run as an independent in the November elections, media reports said on Wednesday.


Prominent Republicans wade into primary races

Likely contenders for 2012 GOP nomination have been sprinkling marquee-worthy endorsements in an unusually large number of bitter contests.


Florida's Crist, trailing Rubio badly, may run as independent

Florida's Crist, trailing Rubio badly, may run as independent

Because April 30 is the deadline for Charlie Crist to declare if he's running for US Senate as a Republican or independent or at all. Until Crist makes his intention clear, there is almost nothing Crist or Rubio can ...


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