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Competing With Amazon on Amazon

Thousands of small merchants depend on to reach customers who otherwise wouldn't know they exist. But some complain that Amazon itself often spots their popular products and then starts muscling in.


Zynga Plans 'Zynga With Friends' Network

Zynga announced plans to offer a central hub to connect players of multiple games who use various devices.


Software Helps Parents Monitor Their Children Online

An array of surveillance software now exists to let parents keep tabs on their children’s activities online, raising questions about appropriate parenting.


Facebook Email Switcheroo Draws User Ire

Facebook has changed your email address. At least that's how many felt after a quiet but vast change in the way the company displays users' contact information. Facebook replaced the email address users chose when they signed up and changed it to a address. The Facebook email accounts allow users to communicate with outside email addresses via Facebook.


Facebook pulls new 'Find Friends Nearby' feature

Over the weekend, Facebook added a stalkerish feature called "Find Friends Nearby" to its mobile website; on Monday, it was gone. "Find Friends Nearby" let users of iOS and Android devices locate BFFs — and perhaps nBFFs (never BFFS) — who were within range.


Microsoft buys Yammer for $1.2 billion 


Microsoft agreed to buy online social network firm Yammer for $1.2 billion in cash, which will allow the software company to offer a service like Facebook's to corporate customers.


The Circle of Ads: Zynga Using Facebook Ads

When I first saw the headline “Facebook Places Ads on Zynga” on The Wall Street Journal, my mind almost fell into an infinite loop. You see, Zynga is already buying ads on Facebook to promote their games. I had thought that headline meant that Facebook is returning the favor by buying ads on Zynga to bring on more users.

Nope.Turns out Facebook is testing out their own ad network on Zynga. Yes, looks like Facebook will be launching an ad network to compete with Google’s Adsense.


Apple Case Against Motorola Thrown Out For Good

Apple's patent case against Google's Motorola Mobility unit in Chicago was dismissed on Friday with prejudice, keeping both parties from refiling claims against one another.


Judge Dismisses Apple vs. Google Smartphone Patent Case


A federal judge in Chicago, Ill. has thrown the Apple-Motorola Mobility smartphone patent case out the courtroom window and locked the window behind it, making sure it never finds its way back inside his court.


Facebook Places Ads on Zynga


Facebook said it has begun placing ads on Zynga's website, another move by the social network to add revenue sources on the heels of its flawed IPO.


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