Middle East, Wars | featured news

Soldier found guilty of murdering Afghans

Soldier found guilty of murdering Afghans

Army Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs has been sentenced to life in military prison with eligibility for parole in 10 years. A military court-martial Thursday found Gibbs guilty of murdering three Afghan civilians, illegally cutting off pieces of their corpses to keep as "souvenirs" and planting weapons to make the men appear as if they were Taliban fighters killed in legitimate firefights.


An all-volunteer military poses challenges for U.S.

For the past 10 years, the United States has engaged in constant warfare. Does that mean the next 10 years will be the same, even after U.S. combat troops are out of Iraq and Afghanistan? Put it a different way: We have spent trillions of dollars to create the most professional and powerful military force in the world to fight those wars. It continues to cost hundreds of billions more each year to help sustain this all-volunteer force.


NATO to officially end Libya mission

NATO to officially end Libya mission

After seven months of an aerial bombing campaign that helped depose longtime ruler Moammar Gadhafi, NATO officially ends its mission in Libya on Monday.

Senh: Not that Libya's done. Time for Syria? Oh wait, they don't oil.


Perry: Obama is endangering troops

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry accused President Obama Saturday of endangering U.S. troops by announcing plans to end the nation's military role in Iraq by Christmas. "The last thing you want to do is put those men and women's lives in peril, and I think that's what the president's done by making a political statement to his base that he's going to be out of Iraq by a date certain," Perry said.

Senh: Oh c'mon. Just leave it. The war is over. Our troops are coming home. Just give Obama some credit for ending the Iraq War. Just gotta turn every positive into a negative.


Obama announces US leaving Iraq

Obama announces US leaving Iraq

All US troops will be pulled out of Iraq by the end of the year, President Barack Obama has announced. He ordered a complete withdrawal from the country, nearly nine years after the invasion under President George W Bush. About 39,000 US troops remain in Iraq, down from a peak of 165,000 in 2008. The US and Iraq were in "full agreement" on how to move forward, Mr Obama said, adding: "The US leaves Iraq with our heads held high."


AP: U.S. drops keeping troops in Iraq

The U.S. is abandoning plans to keep U.S. troops in Iraq past a year-end withdrawal deadline, The Associated Press has learned.


U.N. rights chief: Syria risks 'full-blown civil war'

U.N. rights chief: Syria risks 'full-blown civil war'

The United Nations' top human-rights official assailed the Syrian government Friday for a campaign of "ruthless repression and killings" and called for the international community to take steps to prevent the nation from plunging into "full-blown civil war."


Obama: We are ending Afghanistan war responsibly

President Obama marked the tenth anniversary of the Afghanistan war with a statement praising the U.S. military and pledging to follow through ...


Secret of the Taliban's success

The Taliban hit back with a vengeance following the US-led invasion of 2001.


"No boots on our ground": Pakistan warns U.S.

Pakistan would not tolerate any incursion on its territory by U.S. forces targeting militant groups, the country's interior minister said on Thursday, calling for Washington to provide the intelligence Islamabad needs to take them out itself.


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