Middle East, Wars | featured news

Twin suicide car bombings in southern Iraqi city kill 22 near government compound

Suicide bombers detonated two explosives-laden vehicles early Tuesday near a government compound south of Baghdad, killing at least 22 people and wounding dozens, Iraqi officials said. The attacks come as Iraq’s top political factions started to discuss in earnest whether to ask some of the U.S. troops to stay beyond the Dec. 31 withdrawal deadline because of the security situation.


Karzai says Taliban deal a must to end Afghan war

Afghan President Hamid Karzai arrived in Pakistan's capital on a trip widely believed to be aimed at seeking Islamabad's help in ending a decade-old Taliban insurgency. According to a senior Pakistani security official, Karzai has told the U.S. that "seeking a military victory in Afghanistan will remain a futile venture without a stepped-up political dialogue with the Taliban."


Gates: 'Rush to the exits' would hurt Afghan war

Gates: 'Rush to the exits' would hurt Afghan war

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Thursday there would be no hasty U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and Washington expected the same from its allies.


Soldiers' $2,800 bag fee sparks outrage

Soldiers' $2,800 bag fee sparks outrage

Delta Air Lines says it's sorry "for any miscommunication" after U.S. Army soldiers returning from Afghanistan complained that they were charged almost $3,000 in bag fees by the carrier.


Despite $19 billion in aid, Afghan crisis looms

Despite $18.8 billion spent by the U.S. to help stabilize and build up Afghanistan, that nation is at risk of falling into financial crisis when foreign troops leave in 2014, a new report from Senate Democrats says.


Poll: With bin Laden dead, is it time to end war?

Poll: With bin Laden dead, is it time to end war?

A broad swath of Americans in a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll say that with Osama bin Laden's death, the U.S. mission in Afghanistan has been accomplished ...


Afghans Rally to Oppose Karzai and Taliban Deal

Afghans Rally to Oppose Karzai and Taliban Deal

The gathering, which drew 10,000 people, was an frontal attack on the current government’s policies, equating Al Qaeda and the Taliban.


US holds photos of slain bin Laden, weighs release

US holds photos of slain bin Laden, weighs release

Bit by bit, new details about the audacious raid that killed the world's most wanted terrorist trickled out Tuesday: Unexpectedly high temperatures caused a lumbering helicopter carrying elite commandos to make a hard landing. A woman killed in the raid is believed to have been the wife of the courier whose trail led to Osama bin Laden.


Bin Laden's death stirs strong emotions around the world

News of Osama bin Laden's death stirred strong emotions Monday, from a profound sense of relief across much of the globe to outrage among sympathizers ...


Analysis: Turning point for U.S., Pakistan

The death of Osama bin Laden could prove to be a turning point in United States-Pakistani counterterrorism cooperation.


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