Middle East, Wars | featured news

Man unknowingly liveblogs Bin Laden operation

A computer programmer, startled by a helicopter clattering above his quiet Pakistani town in the early hours of the morning Monday, did what any social-media addict would do: he began sending messages to the social networking site Twitter.


Arab Americans, Muslims rejoice at death of bin Laden

Muslims and Arab-Americans — in one of the largest and oldest Arab-American communities in the USA— rejoiced at the news that Osama bin Laden ...


NJ: The secret team that killed bin Laden

Were it not for this high-value target,  the killing of Osama bin Laden at his luxury hideout in Pakistan early Monday might have been a routine mission for the specially trained and highly mythologized SEAL Team Six.


How the U.S. tracked down bin Laden

In a tale that fit for a spy novel, here's how the military raid that killed the world's most notorious terrorist came together.


Why Afghanistan could upend Obama’s reelection strategy

The outlines of President Obama’s reelection strategy are becoming more distinct. He’ll bet that the faltering recovery has enough momentum to sell, particularly to college-educated suburban independents. He’ll find a way to cut a deal with Republicans on deficits that doesn’t completely derail the recovery.


Afghan policeman kills NATO soldiers, protests continue

Afghan policeman kills NATO soldiers, protests continue

A "rogue" Afghan border policeman shot dead two foreign soldiers on a training mission on Monday, and hundreds of people turned out on the streets for a fourth day of protests against the burning of a Koran by a fundamentalist U.S. pastor.


Turkey and France clash over Libya air campaign

Turkey and France clash over Libya air campaign

The Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accused France of seeing Libya as a source of 'oil, gold mines and underground treasures'.


Gen. David Petraeus reports 'important but hard-fought progress in Afghanistan'

Gen. David Petraeus reports 'important but hard-fought progress in Afghanistan'

Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Gen. David Petraeus says the U.S. has stopped the Taliban's momentum in Afghanistan, but he warns that the gains are 'fragile and reversible' and that hard fighting still lies ahead. Key senators express confidence in the war effort.The U.S.


NATO kills Karzai's cousin, Afghans say

NATO kills Karzai's cousin, Afghans say

A NATO special operations team mistakenly killed a relative of President Hamid Karzai during a raid late Wednesday in southern Afghanistan, Afghan officials said Thursday, the latest incident in recent days to trigger an angry reaction from the president.


Gathering Firewood, 9 Afghan Boys Killed by NATO Helicopters

Gathering Firewood, 9 Afghan Boys Killed by NATO Helicopters

The attack on the boys amounted to one of the worst cases of mistaken killings of children by foreign-led forces in the Afghanistan war.


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