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Verizon Droid vs. Google Nexus One: An Ongoing Comparison

Verizon Droid vs. Google Nexus One: An Ongoing Comparison

How does Google's own Android phone stack up against the model already on the market? Let's look at the facts (so far). For the past two months, Verizon Wireless's Droid by Motorola has had the privilege of holding the undisputed title of Coolest ...


Google’s AdMob Acquisition Meets Opposition from Consumer Groups

Is Google simply buying its way into the mobile advertising market via its $750 million acquisition of AdMob? That’s what two consumer groups allege in a letter sent to the FTC today, as the organization continues to review the deal.


Yahoo to Shut Down for Week

Yahoo is shutting down its offices, except for "essential functions," from Dec. 25 through Jan. 1, as the Internet company searches for new ways to cut costs during the recession.


Don't Put Google Analytics at the Top

A new tracking code from Google Analytics was released recently. GA is a free web traffic reporting tool that let's you track how many users are viewing your website. The new code snippet uses an asynchronous process, meaning your site would load up without having to wait for the tracking code to finish executing.


Google Real-Time Search Is Now Live

Google Real-Time Search Is Now Live

Google turned on real-time search on its main site this morning with little fanfare, after a huge announcement and demo earlier this week.


Google Adds Live Updates to Searches

Google Adds Live Updates to Searches

Google will supplement its search results with updates posted each second to sites like Twitter and Facebook.


MySpace To Push Updates To Google In Realtime

"Realtime" is the hot buzzword right now, and Google and MySpace appear set to further it along with a new agreement that will see Google serve up search results from MySpace in realtime. What these means is that all publicly available data that's on MySpace will be available to Google within seconds, we've learned.


How Google Will Infiltrate the Real-World: Mobile Coupons, Barcodes, and Visual Search

The rapid growth of the mobile web is a force that could be disruptive to Google, a company who built their search engine for a desktop-based world. On the handheld, all bets are off. Anyone with an innovative concept for improving mobile search could gain ground, possibly even overtaking Google as the top search provider for mobile devices. But don't worry - Google hasn't been ignoring this trend. The company has been busy prepping various initiatives designed to get people googling from their mobile phones.


Drive-by Traffic, They Say It Like It's a Bad Thing

Drive-by Traffic, They Say It Like It's a Bad Thing

Rupert Murdoch, and a couple of his fellow newspaper-owners, say that traffic coming from search engines and aggregation sites are worthless. They call it "drive-by traffic." These users only come, read one article and then leave. For an industry profusely bleeding users and revenue, you would think they wouldn't be so discriminatory when it comes to users consuming their content.


Google Sites Just Got a Whole Lot Prettier

Google Sites, a service that lets you create and collaborate on a simple webpage, as well as embed documents, photos, videos into it, was visually a bland affair…until now.


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