Gop, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

After Debate, Santorum Finds Himself on the Defensive

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum’s acknowledgment of voting for No Child Left Behind threatened to undercut his message that he is the unimpeachable conservative in the Republican nominating contest.


Gingrich to air energy infomercial in key states

Newt Gingrich is taking his campaign's recent focus on reducing energy costs and boosting domestic production to the airwaves.


High stakes for Rick Santorum at tonight's GOP debate

The last time the four remaining contenders in the GOP presidential race met on a debate stage, all eyes were on Newt Gingrich, who was trying to ride the momentum off his surprise victory in South Carolina.


Santorum criticizes Drudge Report item about 2008 speech

Rick Santorum says he won't back down from a speech in which he said Satan was targeting the U.S.


Romney and Santorum Battle in Arizona and Michigan

Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney competed over conservative credentials and faced tough questions from voters in Arizona and Michigan on Tuesday.


As Super Tuesday looms, Republican primary heads into potentially decisive phase

The battle for the Republican presidential nomination heads into a potentially decisive phase over the next two weeks with contests in 13 states that could finally answer some of the questions that have defined the race.


GOP 'super PACs' overtaking campaigns' fundraising

An unmistakable dynamic is playing out in the money game among Republican presidential candidates: New "super" political action committees are growing more powerful than the campaigns they support....


The Caucus: Pro-Romney 'Super PAC' Spent $14 Million in January

A "Super PAC" supporting Mitt Romney spent much more money than it collected last month.


Gingrich: Home state win will be crucial

Newt Gingrich conceded Sunday that losing his home state of Georgia in the upcoming Super Tuesday primaries in March would "badly" weaken his candidacy.


After Auto Bailout, Detroit Fallout Trails Romney

Mitt Romney

Whether voters see a principled stand or ruthless capitalism in Mitt Romney’s 2008 opposition to the auto industry rescue will affect how he fares in Michigan’s primary and likely beyond.


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