Gop, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

GOP contenders face 13-state test after brief lull

Rick Santorum

A resurgent Rick Santorum hopes to spring his next big surprise in Michigan. Newt Gingrich looks for a campaign revival in the Bible Belt. Mitt Romney has his home state of Massachusetts, and the luxury of picking his spots elsewhere, if not everywhere, as the race for the Republican presidential nomination roars back to life.


Gingrich, Cain to campaign through Atlanta area Saturday

Hermain Cain & Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich hedged whether he could win his old home state on Super Tuesday as he campaigned through the vote-rich Atlanta area with Herman Cain at his side amid incursions from Mitt Romney and a surging Rick Santorum.

Senh: Let's see what kind of impact Herman Cain's endorsement of Newt Gingrich brings.


GOP debate before Super Tuesday is canceled

CNN has canceled plans for a GOP presidential debate on March 1, after Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum indicated they would skip the event. "Without full participation of all four candidates, CNN will not move forward with the Super Tuesday debate," CNN said in a statement.


Romney Allies Hit Santorum in Michigan Ads for Spending Votes

A political group supporting Mitt Romney’s Republican presidential bid began airing television advertisements in Michigan today, charging that rival Rick Santorum is a “big spender” and “Washington insider” who backed letting convicted felons vote.


Santorum ad touts chances against Obama

Rick Santorum is on the air in Michigan with positive campaign ads, including one saying he has the "best chance" against President Obama.


Mitt Romney faces major test in Michigan primary, once thought an easy win

Once thought an easy win for former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the Michigan Republican primary is shaping up to be one of the biggest tests yet for Romney’s presidential hopes — and an unexpected opportunity for the surging campaign of former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum.


'Romney' means defecate? Candidate faces Santorum search problem

It appears that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney now has a Rick Santorum Internet-age problem. Searching for "Romney" using Google now yields a page defining the meaning of the term as "to defecate in terror" within the first five links or so.


Romney takes Maine caucuses from Paul

Reversing his embarrassing string of setbacks earlier this week when he lost Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri to Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney eked out a narrow win in the straw poll tied to Maine's multiday caucuses Saturday, defeating Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, who was the only other candidate to actively campaign in Maine.


Romney looks to reverse losing streak in Maine

Mitt Romney

In an effort to reverse a three-state losing streak, the Romney campaign announced that its candidate would put off his first trip home in 2012, and instead visit two caucus sites in Maine.


Santorum gets second wind with victories in Minn., Mo., Co.

Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum scored victories in Minnesota, Missouri, and Colorado nominating contests Tuesday night, winning him no actual delegates, but nonetheless blocking Mitt Romney's bid to keep alive a streak of victories in the Republican presidential primary. Santorum scored broad victories in the Minnesota caucus and a primary in Missouri, according to NBC News projections. But Santorum's most significant upset came in Colorado, where the state GOP declared him the apparent victor in caucuses there.

Senh: Rick Santorum is in it to win it!


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