Gop, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

Mitt Romney ekes out delegate win in Michigan primary

Two days after winning the popular vote in the Michigan primary, Mitt Romney has also been declared the victor in a bitter fight for the state's convention delegates.


Santorum Won More Michigan Delegates

Michigan Primary

According to the MSM, and most people who blindly follow their reports, Mitt Romney won the Michigan primary last night by about 3 points, 41 to 38. However, like the Electoral College, the point of the contest is not to win the popular vote (Gore – 2000) but to win more delegates per state based on the apportionment of those delegates. Michigan’s primary delegate system allows for a set number of delegates to be won by state wide popular vote and the rest to be evenly distributed by Congressional districts. When you consider the facts of the contest, and the...


Ron Paul hits GOP rivals in new TV ad

Ron Paul is taking aim at his three GOP presidential rivals in a new ad running in Washington, ahead of state caucuses there on Saturday.


Opinion: Tepid win for Romney

In Michigan, Mitt Romney's "just win, baby" campaign has surged ahead again.


Romney wins Michigan and Arizona

Mitt Romney: Michigan Primary

Mitt Romney's tentative hold on the status of GOP front-runner received a significant boost with victory in Michigan, where he won his native state and fought off a spirited challenge from Rick Santorum.


Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum battle for Michigan

Mitt Romney

Santorum, backed by the tea party and evangelicals, is making a powerful bid in Romney's home state. Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum battled for primacy in advance of Tuesday contests that could reset the Republican presidential race, extending an epic struggle between the Michigan native's money and establishment ties and his challenger's intense following among tea party supporters and evangelical Christians.


Santorum win in Michigan could be chaos for Republicans

Rick Santorum

The Republican presidential race faces a potential turning point on Tuesday in contests in Arizona and Michigan, where upstart Rick Santorum threatens to plunge an already unpredictable nominating battle into chaos.


Santorum: Romney and Paul 'coordinate' against me

Rick Santorum on Saturday charged Mitt Romney and Ron Paul with “coordinating” to block his momentum in the race for the GOP presidential nomination.


Jeb Bush eyed as latest 'white knight' candidate in GOP presidential race

Jeb Bush

Speculation that a late challenger might still emerge in the increasingly bitter race for the Republican presidential nomination is set to surge after former Florida governor Jeb Bush made remarks criticising the current field.


Michigan polls show Romney gained after GOP debate

Mitt Romney: Michigan GOP Debate

Two new polls in the showdown state of Michigan suggest that Rick Santorum failed to gain a badly needed shot of momentum in Wednesday night's Republican presidential debate.


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