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Officials: McChrystal Is Ready to Resign

Officials: McChrystal Is Ready to Resign

General Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. commander and strategist of the Afghan war, is prepared to offer his resignation for mocking and disparaging President Barack Obama and his national security team in a Rolling Stone interview, two military officials said Tuesday.


White House recalls top general over remarks

White House recalls top general over remarks

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan has been summoned to Washington to explain derogatory comments about President Barack Obama and his colleagues.


Top general in Afghan war: US envoy betrayed me

Top general in Afghan war: US envoy betrayed me

The top U.S. war commander in Afghanistan told an interviewer he felt betrayed by the man the White House chose to be his diplomatic partner, Ambassador Karl Eikenberry ...


N. Korea rejects findings, threatens war

North Korea rejected Tuesday international findings that it sank a South Korean ship, warning at the United Nations that the dispute could lead to war.


Afghan war trends signal "mounting crisis": senator

President Barack Obama's war effort in Afghanistan appears to be heading in the wrong direction and possibly toward a crisis, a top Republican who backed Obama's troop buildup said on Tuesday.


Gen. Petraeus collapses during hearing

Gen. Petraeus collapses during hearing

U.S. Gen. David Petraeus, who is in charge of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, briefly collapsed at a Capitol Hill hearing Tuesday and then regained his composure.


North Korea: It can turn South's capital into a 'sea of flame'

North Korea vowed Saturday to launch an all-out attack against South Korean loudspeakers and other propaganda facilities along their heavily ...


North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon

North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon

A North Korean envoy warned on Thursday that war could erupt at any time on the divided Korean peninsula because of tension with Seoul over the sinking of a South Korean warship in March.


Al Qaeda's No. 3 believed killed in Pakistan

Al Qaeda's No. 3 believed killed in Pakistan

The death of Sheik Said Masri, the terrorist network's operations chief and a relative of Osama bin Laden, would be a blow to Al Qaeda. U.S. officials say he was targeted in a drone strike.

Al Qaeda's third-ranking leader — a close associate and relative by marriage to Osama bin Laden — is believed to have been killed in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan's tribal region, U.S.


Rebels Attack Base in Afghanistan

Rebels Attack Base in Afghanistan

Insurgents assaulted Kandahar Air Base, the main military base in southern Afghanistan, on Saturday night, military officials said, in the second attack on a major base in a week.


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