Women | featured news

Mixed-sex handshakes banned

Men and women are banned from shaking hands or chatting in public in a district of Somalia controlled by the Islamist group al-Shabab.


Brazil Swears in First Female President in Country's History

Dilma Rousseff takes the reins from Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the country's popular outgoing president, who many credit for leading the country onto the world stage and helping millions in Brazil out of poverty.


Video: Triplets born 11 years apart

Dr. Jani Jensen with the Mayo clinic explains how a British woman delivered triplets 11 years apart. (msnbc tv)


'16 and Pregnant' to tackle abortion decision

Tuesday night's episode returns to follow Markai Durham, who first appeared on the show Nov. 16. But this time, she's not giving birth to another child.


Oprah believes America too smart for Palin

Oprah believes America too smart for Palin

Mum no more, Oprah is taking her opinion on a Sarah Palin presidential run to next month's issue of Parade. Asked if a Palin run scared her, Oprah responded: "It does not scare me because I believe in the intelligence of the American public.


Study: Men are less healthy and have a shorter life span than women

As a general rule, men take lousy care of their health. They shrug off injuries. They hate going to the doctor for anything. They pay little ...


Breastfeeding Can Improve Academics, Especially For Boys

Breastfeeding Can Improve Academics, Especially For Boys

Evidence for the long-term benefits of breast-feeding — well beyond infancy — continue to grow. In the latest analysis of the academic performance of children who were breast- or bottle-fed, researchers found that breast-fed babies scored higher on tests of math, reading and writing skills at 10 years old, compared with those who were bottle-fed as babies.


Mom Rips Off Daughter-In-Law's Nipple While Drunk

Mom Rips Off Daughter-In-Law's Nipple While Drunk

A 44-year-old mom, her son, and her daughter-in-law were enjoying a nice family drunk-a-thon in Las Cruces, New Mexico. But as so often happens during these kinds of festive family occasions, someone decided to spoil all the fun. Mom started...


Brain anomaly leaves woman without fear

Brain anomaly leaves woman without fear

Researchers who have studied a woman with a missing amygdala — the part of the brain believed to generate fear — report that their findings may help improve treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other anxiety disorders.


Court Rejects Irish Abortion Ban

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Ireland’s constitutional ban on abortion violates the rights of pregnant women to receive proper medical care.


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