Women | featured news

Elizabeth Edwards' legacy: toughness amid tragedy

Elizabeth Edwards' legacy: toughness amid tragedy

A son dying young. A six-year battle with cancer. A humiliating betrayal. Americans knew Elizabeth Edwards in large part through her tragedies, but more importantly, they knew her for the vitality and determination she showed in dealing with them. Her cancer incurable and her former-presidential-candidate husband mired in a paternity scandal, she did not shrink from public life but shared her story and advocated for health care reform.


Baby Born in MRI Machine

Baby Born in MRI Machine

“For the first time we can clearly see the mechanics of a vaginal delivery,” he said. “For years, obstetricians have relied on very crude methods of understanding complications like cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD), which translates when the baby fails to descend into the birth canal and there is a rest in cervical dilatation, which ultimately leads to a C-section.”


Jobless Mexican stewardesses launch sexy calendar

Jobless Mexican stewardesses launch sexy calendar

It could be the Mexican remake of the "The Full Monty" - just swap the out-of-work British steel workers from the 1997 hit movie for curvy Latina flight attendants.


Preemie births inch down, but still a big problem

Premature births may finally be starting to inch down, says a new report from the March of Dimes.


Cougar Cruise ready to roar again

Cougar Cruise ready to roar again

A modern twist on the shipboard romance is making waves again. The third International Cougar Cruise sets sail next month to the Bahamas -- a three-night trip that organizers are billing as "a weekend of fun, dining, dancing and partying!" for "younger men/older women!"


Executive says she was fired for her ‘distracting’ breasts

A Florida woman fired from her company says she told she was "too sensual" for promotion and was dismissed because she complained of harassment. “You should try to hide your breasts because they are too distracting,” one manager allegedly told Amy-Erin Blakely, 43.


Birth control pills may have caused 30-year-old's stroke

Nicky Reynolds of Minnesota may be one of the 11 in 100,000 women who suffer a stroke due to contraceptive pills. She was a 30-year-old school ...


Women Without Kids Up 80 Percent From 30 Years Ago

The number of American women without children has risen to an all-time high of 1 in 5, a jump since the 1970s when 1 in 10 women ended their childbearing years without having a baby, according to the Pew Research Center.


Pelosi will seek to stay as House Dem leader

Pelosi will seek to stay as House Dem leader

Nancy Pelosi, the nation's first female House speaker, said Friday she will try to stay on as leader of the House Democrats despite huge election losses that cost her party the majority.


Contraception could be free under health care law

Fifty years after the pill, another birth control revolution may be on the horizon: free contraception for women in the U.S., thanks to the new health care law.


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