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Finally, Replaced Digg with Reddit


I finally had to do it. I stuck with Digg for as long as I could. It’s the first social news site. Even after the infamous version 4, I stuck with them.

A decent number of Digg's hardcore users had already jumped ship since v4. I was too lazy to do the switch - mainly because the headlines I saw on their homepage didn't quite fit those on Wopular's. Digg was still providing me with relevant and interesting news.


Why The Higher Click-Through Rates for Mobile Ads Which Facebook Touts Mean Nothing


...There’s also the issue that these mobile ads are completely new. Users don’t know any better and happen to click on them. However, over time (and probably pretty quickly), they will learn to avoid these new ads. When banner ads began in the 1990s, CTRs over 5% were common. They are currently 0.2 – 0.3%.


Facebook share price falls below $20

Facebook Campus

Facebook’s stock price reached a new low Thursday as shares of the world's largest social network fell below $20 for the first time, down by nearly half from its $38 initial public offering price.


Facebook Flip: Fidelity Funds Exit Early


A year after they first began buying Facebook stock, many Fidelity Investments fund managers are shrinking their stakes in the company.


A Failure In Rethinking Digg, And How To Bury A Dead Brand

Currently, the “New Digg” is facing a host of problems. Digg has 14 million pages indexed in Google, those pages are now 404′ed. Digg’s entire database of archived content vanished over night, including now-defunct user profiles. In one swift move, they’ve completely eliminated the community by removing each and every user account to exist,with little explanation and no answer to when users will be getting their accounts back.


Facebook sinks to record low as doubts grow


A commerce site called Limited Run, in announcing that it was deleting its Facebook page, claimed that 80 percent of its ad-clicks on Facebook came from "bots" or automated accounts, and only a fifth from genuine users.


Maybe Social and Advertising Don't Play Nice Together


Facebook’s results illustrated a reality for social media: It’s a soft sell medium in which advertising may not be that interesting or relevant to consumers. This is important because it means the revenue potential for social media companies such as Facebook may not be as high as many people assumed.

Senh: I've been preaching this since ... forever: "Click-thru rates for ads on social networks have always been really low, so they can’t charge nearly as much as Google per pageview. That hasn’t changed since social networks entered the internet landscape and won’t change in the future."


Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare as Corporate Focus Groups

Some companies are leaning on social media like Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare for advice on what products to bring to market.


Twitter suspends reporter's account

Olympics Reporter Suspected from Twitter

Twitter has suspended the account of a Los Angeles-based reporter for a British newspaper who included the email address of the NBC Olympics president and asked his followers to write him to complain about the network's coverage....


#NBCfail Gets Olympic Size: Is It Going Any Better In Canada?

The Twitter hashtag #NBCfail – about the American network’s Olympic shortfalls — is covering a lot of ground. But a key early frustration was the online viewing experience.


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