Gop, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

Poll: Bachmann, Pawlenty gain in GOP field

Republicans are starting to pay more attention to the candidates who hope to take on President Obama next year, and so far that's been a good thing for Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty.


Romney and the money primary

Everyone knows Mitt Romney is going to outpace the GOP presidential field when next month's fundraising reports come out. But the scale of his money advantage is finally coming ...


Huntsman joins WH race, promising jobs, civility

Huntsman joins WH race, promising jobs, civility

Republican Jon Huntsman joined the presidential race Tuesday with the Statue of Liberty over his shoulder, asserting that he and President Barack Obama both love their country but have far different visions of its future. He pledged to halt an "un-American" fading of national confidence and power....


Sen. McCain slams GOP hopefuls' 'isolationism'

Sen. McCain slams GOP hopefuls' 'isolationism'

Sen. John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate in 2008, took aim Sunday at the field of contenders for the 2012 GOP nomination, accusing them of "isolationism." "We cannot repeat the lessons of the 1930s, when the United States of America stood by while bad things happened in the world," McCain said in an interview with ABC's "This Week."


GOP's Pawlenty waits for payoff from 2012 grind

Dusk had settled in and mosquitoes had swarmed by the time Tim Pawlenty finished mingling with voters at a backyard reception. It was well after the GOP presidential candidate had promoted himself as an accomplished leader and took questions from the crowd.


FirstRead: Paul wins RLC straw poll; Romney fades to fifth

FirstRead: Paul wins RLC straw poll; Romney fades to fifth

Ron Paul won the straw poll here overwhelmingly with 612 votes, drawing big boos and some quieter chants of "Ron Paul." Jon Huntsman finished a surprising second with 382 votes, despite being a late scratch because of a "bad cold." Michele Bachmann was third with 191 votes.


Days After Debate, Pawlenty Has Comeback for Romney On Twitter

Three days after the New Hampshire Republican Presidential Debate, Tim Pawlenty is following through with his attack on Mitt Romney's healthcare plan.


Huntsman to announce for president next week

Former Utah governor and ambassador to China Jon Huntsman will announce he is running for president on June 21, according to sources familiar with his plans. Huntsman has been expected to enter the race for weeks now, but he did not participate in last night’s Republican debate in New Hampshire. His announcement will take place in Liberty State Park in New Jersey with the Statue of Liberty as the backdrop.


GOP hopefuls target Obama at first big debate

GOP hopefuls target Obama at first big debate

Republican presidential candidates hold their first debate in New Hampshire, targeting President Obama and each other.


At presidential debate, Bachmann makes run official

At presidential debate, Bachmann makes run official

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann ended any doubt that she is running for president, saying during Monday night's CNN GOP presidential debate that she has filed for the 2012 race.


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