Gop, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

Texas' Perry, with eye on 2012, makes Calif. swing

Texas Gov. Rick Perry will swing through California this week for private meetings with Republican leaders, potential fundraisers and legislators that will stoke speculation that he plans to enter the 2012 Republican presidential contest....


Why Michele Bachmann is no Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is in Iowa today. Michele Bachmann announced her candidacy there on Monday. For reporters, that’s a coincidence(?) impossible to resist; scads of stories are being produced comparing the two women.
The comparisons between Palin and Bachmann are, at one level, apt. Both are women (duh) who align most closely with social conservatives. Both are outspoken defenders of their chosen causes whose rhetoric occasionally gets them into hot water.


FACT CHECK: Bachmann bomblets raising eyebrows

Michele Bachmann's claim that she has "never gotten a penny" from a family farm that's been subsidized by the government is at odds with her financial disclosure statements. They show tens of thousands in personal income from the operation....


Pawlenty hits Obama on "Arab spring"

Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty will question President Barack Obama's handling of the "Arab spring" movement on Tuesday in what is being billed as a major foreign policy address.


Opinion: Bachmann no gain for women

Her political career is rife with examples of ideological extremism and blatant disregard for civil liberties, civil rights and science.


Chris Christie rules out presidential run yet again, and again, and again ...

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has repeatedly ruled out any run for national office in 2012, finds himself in a Shakespearean moment as some begin to wonder how to take his constant protests.


Bachmann's farm income according to Bachmann's disclosures - Politico

The Los Angeles times did a lengthy takeout on Michele Bachmann's income from government and farm subsidies, a piece that prompted questions from Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace ...


Bachmann: 2012 bid not 'personal' against Obama

Bachmann: 2012 bid not 'personal' against Obama

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann said Sunday her bid to unseat President Barack Obama shouldn't be viewed as "anything personal" against the Democrat - he's "just wrong" on his policies for America.


Florida primary looms as critical showdown in GOP race

With no commanding front-runner poised to run the table, the Florida primary looms as a mega-state showdown in Republican presidential race.


Republicans Romney and Bachmann lead Iowa poll

Republican front-runner Mitt Romney and U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann led a closely watched presidential poll of Iowa Republicans, the state that holds the first contest in the nomination battle.


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